If you are a Hobonichi fan, chances are you have also discovered the cuteness of Helen Wang’s TheCoffeeMonsterzCO Hobonichi Stickers. Whether you are a purely functional planner or a memory planner, her emoti stickers fit the bill for virtually all planning styles.

According to her About page, she initially started this journey creating stickers back in high school (she is now a recent University of Toronto graduate) as a creative outlet. TheCoffeeMonsterzCO is a Canadian based sticker shop. It has since grown to 38K Facebook Group members, 121K Instagram followers, and 127K Youtube subscribers who are incredibly engaged and supportive of this brand.
TheCoffeeMonsterzCO Facebook Group posts multiple times daily, her Instagram posts are zoomed in and scrutinized for hidden Easter Eggs for product release, and each Youtube video she releases easily achieves at least 20-30K views.
What are TheCoffeeMonsterzCO stickers?
Essentially, she has a specific character she has hand drawn that expresses a wide range of emotions, situations, and seasons. They are called “Emotis” who represent every phase of life.
What are TheCoffeeMonsterzCO sticker kits?
Like other sticker shops, TheCoffeeMonsterzCO has Hobonichi Techo Cousin and Hobonichi Weeks sticker kits. Sticker kits are unique in that they are precisely measured and cut to fit specific sections of each Hobonichi planner type. TheCoffeeMonsterzCO have monthly kits to decorate the Hobonichi Techo Cousin monthly and weekly sections. They also have Hobonichi Weeks weekly kits so that any user can create an adorable cohesive look for their planner.
Why do people use TheCoffeeMonsterzCO stickers?
TheCoffeeMonsterzCO are incredibly versatile. They can be used minimally in functional planning to add just a touch of expression or used extensively throughout for ornate memory planning. Helen has designed such an extensive collection that brings a very cute cohesive look to those who enjoy decorating their planners. Below is a beautiful example of a creation by one of TheCoffeeMonsterzCO’s many fans.

Can you use TheCoffeeMonsterzCO even if you don’t have a Hobonichi planner?
Yes, absolutely. Passion Planner, Erin Condren, and Happy Planner users are just a few of the examples of other planners who use TheCoffeeMonsterzCO stickers. The beauty of Helen’s emotis is that they truly fit any type of planner. However, she only makes precisely sized kits for Hobonichi users as this is her preferred planner.
Why is everything sold out on TheCoffeeMonsterzCO website?
Due to TheCoffeeMonsterzCO sticker shop being family owned, it is a smaller operation. Helen updates the Facebook Group and on Instagram the next time the shop will open for another sale.
Why can’t I buy all the washi tapes?

Most of the washi tape is only available during certain presales. During most of the year, TheCoffeeMonsterzCO washi tapes are always listed as sold out. Helen also never re-releases her old designs as they are usually revamped in some way.
Can I buy the regular emoti stickers anytime?
Yes, most basic sticker sheets are available year round. Seasonal stickers are often only available during the particular season.
When are TheCoffeeMonsterzCO sales?
Anniversary Sale – March
Helen’s Birthday Sale – August
Black Friday Sale – November
Overstock and other Sale – Random
What are TheCoffeeMonsterzCO preorders?
Every few weeks to months, TheCoffeeMonsterzCO opens their doors for preorders where you can buy unlimited amounts of certain items on the website. However, it is important to note that preorder items can take up to 3-4 months to arrive. Helen does provide an opportunity to buy things “now,” which ship much faster, but usually you must be one of the few hundred that are ready to buy immediately as the online store opens.
Should you combine readily available sticker sheets with preorder items to save on shipping?
It depends. If you want to save on shipping and don’t mind waiting 3-4 months for everything, yes combining the order makes sense. However, if you have an itch to have some of her readily available stickers ASAP, then you should separate the orders into two so that you get some of her items much faster.
What are Bean Cards?

Bean Cards are part of a rewards program that comes with your order. Most sticker sheets have a “bean” sticker that you can peel at the top that can stick to shaded areas of the bean card. You fill the card up with beans and turn it in once it’s filled up.
What is TheCoffeeMonsterzCO’s customer service like?
One word. Amazing. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the Facebook Group. Helen is very good about keeping up with most comments and any time a loyal customer voices frustration (which is rare anyway) she is quick to comment and try to resolve for the customer herself. She looks into specific orders if problems arise and often re-explains any confusion to the group if questions come up. She has a firm grasp of knowing how to satisfy and retain lifelong fans/customers.
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