Differences between the Passion Planner Weekly and Hobonichi Techo Cousin

The Passion Planner Weekly and Hobonichi Techo Cousin are completely different and yet I personally can’t decide which I like better.
Passion Planner

According to their website, the Passion Planner started as a Kickstarter by a young college grad that felt unsure about her next steps in life. What grew from that uncertainty was a planner that provided mindful goal setting.
The Passion Planner is organized in the following format:
Your Passion Roadmap
- Make a Wishlist
- Prioritize
- Create Your First Passion Plan
- Add Specifics
- Create a Timeline
- Make a Date
- Work at it
- Repeat
2-Page Yearly Calendar View
Features the current year and the following year with huge free writing space affectionately called “Space of Infinite Possibility”
2-Page Monthly Calendar View
- This Month’s Focus
- People to See
- Places to Go
- Things to Learn
- Personal Projects
- Top Priority Project
- Project
- Work Projects
- Top Priority Project
- Project
- Break it Down: Create a Mind Map of this Month’s Gamechanger
2-Page Weekly Calendar View

- Vertical 7-day (Monday or Sunday Start) weekly format
- Today’s Focus
- 6 – 10:30 pm schedule
- This Week’s Focus
- Good Things that Happened
- Weekly Inspirational Quote
- Personal To-Do List
- Work To-Do List
- Space of Infinite Possibility
Monthly Reflection
- What was the most memorable part of this past month? Describe it.
- What were the three biggest lessons you’ve learned in this past month?
- Review your planner for the past month and assess your priorities. Are you happy with how you spent your time? If not, what steps can you take next month to adjust them?
- What did you accomplish this past month? What are you most proud of?
- How are you different between this past month and the month before it?
- What or who are you especially grateful for this past month?
- Name three things you can improve on this upcoming month? What concrete actions can you take to work towards these improvements?
- From 1-10, how do you feel overall about this past month?
- End of the Month Checklist
- Highlight your accomplishments
- Reform
- Set Checkpoints
Your Mid-Year Passion Roadmap
Same components as “Your Passion Roadmap”
End of the Year Reflection
- From 1-10, how do you feel overall about this past year?
- What advice would you give yourself at the beginning of the year?
- What were the three biggest lessons you learned this past year? What is one way to incorporate these lessons into your life?
- Review your planner for the past year and assess your priorities. Ar3e you happy with how you spent your time? If not, what steps can you take next year to adjust them?
- How are you different between this year and the last?
- What or who are you especially grateful for this past year?
- Name three things you can improve on next year. What are concrete actions you can take to work towards these improvements?
20 pages of blank pages
22 pages of dotted grid pages
At the moment, the Passion Planner Instagram account has ~425K followers. Their account is playful overall. The account features many of their fans’ decorated spreads and suggestions on different ways to use the planner. Passion Planners are great for functional and memory planning. It’s a great option for someone who might feel stuck in life and need some direction. During a stressful and anxiety ridden time in my life, the Passion Planner spreads fell into my search section and I could not stop obsessing over it. I was miserable at my job and it was bleeding into my family life. The monthly reflections and the ability to get creative with the planner really brought me out of a rut and I am in a completely different place in my life from when I started it.
Passion Planner Pros/Cons
- Goal and reflection oriented
- Gives many opportunities for personal self improvement
- Allows for easy functional or memory planning
- Structured layout to follow
- Thick paper quality
- Thicker gridlines
- Less flexibility to customize the layout
Hobonichi Techo Cousin

Hobonichi also known as Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun currently has a following of 173K on Instagram. The website and product was founded by copywriter Shigesato Itoi (a.k.a. “Darling”). It all originally started as Itoi’s personal website, it has grown into one of the most profitable websites in Japan by focusing on sales of goods. According to Wikipedia, the site currently receives about 1.5 million page views a day, making it the largest personal website in Japan. The concept of Hobonichi is much more simple and adult. The addictive aspect of the Hobonichi is the paper. To those unfamiliar with Tomoe River paper, it feels like a tad thicker and more resilient version of paper that you might see in Bibles.
The Hobonichi Techno Cousin is one of the more popular versions. It comes in a full year or split into Jan-June and Jul-Dec Avec versions as seen above. The possibilities are endless with this planner.
The Hobonichi Techno Cousin is organized in the following format:
- 2-Page Yearly Calendar View
- Includes the current year, last year, and the upcoming year
- Vertical Monthly View
- Often used as a quick tracker for mood, finances, steps, or even as an index
- 2-Page Monthly View
- 2-Page Vertical Weekly View
- Monthly Cover Page
- 1-Page Daily View

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